A Step Forward Towards a Gender Equality – Italy


Programme and action: ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 1: Training course

Dates: 13-18 July 2015

Venue: Montemaggiore, Belsito, Palermo, Italy

Participants: Šimon Fic, Michaela Stenzelová, Monika Pospíšilová

Please read the project info-pack

Project report:

The training course A Step Forward Towards a Gender Equality with 32 young people from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and Turkey took place in little Sicilian town Montemaggiore Belsito from July 13 to July 18. 
Aim of this project was to contribute to the process of building tolerant integrated society based on respect to gender equality and cultular diversity with active intercultular cooperation and dialogue, through raising the awareness of a group about the theme of gender identity. The project itself lasted for 4 days. On the first day we focused mainly on ice-breaking activities and  getting to know each other. On the other two days we spend most of the time doing activities which were connected to the topic of gender identity and gender equality. There were also 2 intercultural nights which gave us the opportunity to learn some new information about the participating countries and try some of there typical food and drinks. On the fourth day we went to the historical town of Cefalú where we had a chance to relax and spend a day at a beautiful beach. 
All in all, I think that we learned and saw a lot during this short project. All of the participants appreciated the involvement and enthusiasm of the local people who tried to make our stay in Sicily even more pleasent.  I would like to say thanks to EYCB for being our sending organization and giving us the opportunity to be a part of this project.
Šimon Fic

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