Youth for Nature, Volunteering and Inclusion (Partnership Building Activity) – Kosovo


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Partnership Building Activity

Venue: Banja e Pejes, Peja, Kosovo

Dates: 25 November – 5 December 2016

Participants: Kristína Cabalová

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: GAIA Kosovo

Participating organisations: Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Albania, Turkey, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Kosovo

Project report:

I spent more than one week in beautiful Kosovo, in Hotel Kosovo Park. This project was named Parthership Building Activity – Nature conservation, Volunteering and Inclusion. Its goal was to give us more information about nature conservation, volunteering in this field (in many countries) and to build partnerships between participants.

Firstly, they have chosen great location, close to picturesque mountains, national park and the city of Peja. And what’s more, every meal we have eaten was excelent! We visited national park and the city of Peja one day. We saw amazing cave and we tried Kosovan traditional meal – simply delicious.

We started with introduction of the project and of each other – we talked about our expectations, skills or values; why we are interested in nature and so on. Also we had to say what for us mean words as NATURE, SUSTAINABILITY, ENVIRONMENT etc., because everyone thinks differently.

We prepared presentations about countries where we were from, because it was important for us to know nature situation in others places. We mentioned our organizations too.

We had a lot of lectures from many interesting and professional people – e.g. from national parks or WWF! We could learn a lot. I can mention something to think about – ecological footprint of USA = 43x footprint of Africa, or a cat in Europe has higher ecological footprint than one person in Africa…

We discussed many topics too. We were trying to solve some problems, see different views or share our ideas and comments. It was very benefitial for all of us. Also we started to work on our international projects. They told us what we have to prepare, how we can work on it, what is important and who could support us. They were free to help us with everything. We were developing (and we still are) our organizational capacity, creativity and responsibility. We started to build close partnerships.

This PBA was great project and I am very happy that I could participace in. I have met many interesting and kind people from whole Europe, who are interested in the same things as I am.

I am sure I will use these new skills, information and experience in the future.

Kristína Cabalová

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