ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course
Dates: 3—12 December 2024
Venue: Sarata Monteoru & Buzau, Romania
Czech team: 2 participants
Please read the info-pack.
Hosting organisation: Fundatia Pentru Tineret (FPT)
Project report:
There training course was one of its kind, Tolea and his team were real professional facilitators. They used different methods through out the training course in order to inlight us about the Topic „ Discrimination of Minorities.
One of the 3 methods that were totally new to me were :
- Visit to Albartos culture (It serves to bring out the fact many things are interpreted wrongly at first sight, and points out once more the complexity of culture.)
- Six thinkings Hats (gives you a systematic way of considering the subject from different perspectives (using different states of mind) and in doing so to be more complete and effective)
- Grassroots comics ( in the beginning of this workshop/mthod i thought i am done ! as i suck at drawing, but after the workshop was explained and the time was givin i was surpried with the results i came with, this methods aims to use comics into introduing an issue. )
The rooms were big comfy and well equipeed. The food was very well taken care of.
I liked the venue, as the nature surround it, and becasue it is almost in the middle of nowhere , it pushes the particpants to interact within each other and not just stroll in the city.
Of course we had so much more leanring through out different methods, but those were the highlight for me.
as outputs we made 2 forum Thatre plays, and 3 videos touching the same topic „ Discrimination of Minoorities, where the plays where performed for the locals in the city of Buzau.
I can’t recommend the host organization more enough.
Taher K.