Camp of Democracy and Multiculturalism — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Adana, Turkey 

Dates: 2—11 September 2022

For more information please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Demokrasi ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği

Czech team: Martin Neufuss (GL), Vojtěch Munduch, Matěj Matoušek, Antonie Myslivečková, Ramazan Ozel, Nela Cieślarová, Filip Kujawa, Pavel Dítě, Jonáš Müller

Project report:

Participating countries: Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey

Project report:

Hey! Hey! Hello to all readers and those interested in Erasmus projects. I have just returned from the beautiful country of Turkey, more specifically Adana, and I would like to share my experiences and insights from this exciting and hectic week. I shall speak only of the days spent in Adana and not the days spent on the road, as these days were not outstanding and very harrowing and tiring. I will be very brief because if I wanted to give you all my experiences during this project, we would still be here tomorrow.

As I said, the project was hectic. Some days more, some days less, but we were not bored. We started the project by getting to know each other activities. Once we bonded and got to know each other a bit, we started working on team projects and activities. We visited local lawyers and had the opportunity to talk to them about the problems of the city and Turkey in general. One day we did a democracy simulation, several candidates were chosen, and elections were held. We visited the town and looked at exciting places, from the city center to the canyon and the bridge near the town. We also had the opportunity to try paragliding; those brave enough with a strong stomach tried it. We made presentations about democracy and multicultural in our mother countries. We got to meet the mayor and ask him questions about virtually everything.

Every evening was spent differently, sometimes it was an intercultural evening, and sometimes we were again in the game room offered by the hotel or just exploring the city’s beauty.

To sum up, this project was excellent. We learned a lot here, improved our English, got to know a new culture, and tasted delicious Turkish kebabs and their other tasty food, but most importantly met unique and promising people from different parts of the world. It was an honor to be part of this project.

I want to end this report with a big thank you. First and foremost, I would like to thank the EYCB organization. Without EYCB, none of these projects could become a reality. I thank every single person for organizing these projects. Then I would like to thank the organizers in Turkey for preparing such a great program, helping us with everything, and not leaving us in the lurch when some of us were not feeling well. I want to thank all the wonderful participants of this project; with you, this project went by like that. My thanks also go to the Czech team; our country could not have been better represented.

In conclusion, perhaps only this. This project was really great, and for another one I just cannot wait!

                                                                                                                                    Vojtěch Munduch

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