Drumming – Sound Therapy – Romania


 Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training course

Venue: Targu Neamt, Romania

Dates: 15 – 22 April 2016

Participants: Tomáš Pavloň, Tomáš Vacek, Tereza Svobodová

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Romania, Greece, Turkey, Italia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Macedonia

Hosting organisationPuzzle OptimEast

Project report:

The training course Drumming – Sound Therapy held in small town Targu Naemt, near Iasi, the fourth largest city in Romania. The project started at April 15th and finished at April 22th. Participatants were from nine countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Macedonia, Latvia and Romania. There were three people from Czech Republic. The training course was organized by Puzzle OptimEast, which is an organization for young people in Targu Naemt. The leader of the organization is Viorel Chipera.

Accommodation was arranged in a beautiful hotel near the city. The staff was very friendly and tried to fulfill all our wishes. Great advantage of the hotel was long distance from the other houses. It offered a wide range of possibilities for our music activities.

The first two days of the program were various icebreaking games, trips and presentation of the project Erasmus +. The third day came the main course lecturer Jean-Baptiste Manitou, great Romanian music therapist with long experience. Jean Baptiste explained to us the possibility of the use of music for therapeutic purposes, especially for youth work. The main topic was the use of group playing on a drums and other percussion instruments. On the course, we had the opportunity to learn to play on the djembe (drum originating from West Africa) and experience the power of ensemble playing. We could try acquired experiences in direct work with childrens and childrens with special needs in culture center in Targu Naemt. In end of the project was “drumming day” when we held a drumming session in the town. The event was successful and involved many local people and childrens.

I have learned new knowledge about drumming and sound therapy from the project. I also had the opportunity to meet many wonderful people from all over Europe. In the end, it was also an opportunity to improve my English.

I want to thank to the organization Puzzle OptimEast for organizing this training project, I also thank to EYCB for the opportunity to participate in this project. 

Tomáš Vacek

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