Between 2017 and 2019 EYCB was a partner of the ERASMUS+ KA2 project “Education for Deeper Social Integration“. The project’s aim was exchange of proved methods of supporting adult people with fewer opportunities (social, economic, health or other). As a project’s result, a collection of good practices was created that you can get inspired by and use in your daily work. You find it here:
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2017 overview
We wish that 2018 brings you health, success, luck and fantastic travel experiences (not only) with the Erasmus+ programme! Thank you very much for...
Winners of EYCB photo contest were selected
We would like to thank all participants of the EYCB photo contest for their beautiful photos! We received more than 40 of them and...
Workshops within the Visegrad fund project “You(TH) Decide”
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