Living in a Colourful World


Organiser: Oshumaré Group in cooperation with European Youth Centre

Date: 8th – 15th July 2011

Venue: Brno, Czech Republic

Participants: 5 participants from each national group + 1 group leader

Summary: Project Living in a colourful world is composed as Action 1.1 Youth Exchange and it’s going to take place between 8th and 15th July 2011 in Brno. The main topic of the project is how we are dealing with cultural, ethnic or simple life-style multiplicities. We will focus on stereotypes, prejudices
or national and personal identities. Accentuate an uncommon experience of the diversity and following reflection. Therefore, the main aim of the project is to fight against racism and intolerance, amplify tolerance and solidarity between youth and discover how to live in modern multicultural world successfully and in symbioses with others.

You will find more information about the project here:

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