WISE Bodies — Spain


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Casa del Trigo, Caravaca, Spain

Dates: 5 – 11 September 2017

Participants: Monika Lazarová, Libuše Tsukahara

Please read the infopack & information about this TC available below

Hosting organisation: Euroaccion Murcia 

Project report: 

Yesterday I was sitting in the swimsuit at the seaside and now I’m freezing in cold Prague. The Wise Bodies Training Course, which took a place from 5 to 11 September 2017 in the town of Caravaca (near Murcia, southeastern Spain), is over. Let´s have a brief look at how was is.

This course was specifically focused on working with the body and combining contemporary dance with Gestalt Therapy (Experiential Psychotherapy). Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body interfacing, work on the axes of our body, meditation, stretching exercises, conscious touch therapy, and much more.

In short, a lot of movement, dances, stretching, lots of conscious touch and emotions.

Training was only 5 days long so there was no time to waste. We started from the very first minute with movements, later on we added emotions and after the whole day of dancing and moving around the space we felt like we knew each other for ages and this project started few days not hours ago. Trainers prepared activities that focused not only on group work but we also worked on the personal level. One of the very good and interesting examples is drawing picture of ourselves in the very first day. We highlighted our darkest body part, which is the part we dislike the most and we kept on working on it, dancing with it etc until the very last day when we drew picture of ourselves again. As you can see, the differences were enormous.

Many thanks for the phenomenal training of our two trainers: Diego, who is Gestalt therapist and informal education lecturer, and also the stunningly energetic Martha who teaches dancing at Alicante Dance Conservatory. And no less great thanks to all the participants. All these courses are about people, about their work, stories, experiences and all the other clichés “maybe we’ll see soon,” but the truth is that projects are places of accumulated energies and a huge dose of inspiration.

If the dance is not something that would captivate you, look at www.wordpress-618039-2005636.cloudwaysapps.com, visit the foreign projects -> upcoming projects and select from a wide range of thematically focused projects. 

More about this event at: https://www.smore.com/5u5n9-wise-bodies.

Monika Lazarová

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