What’s so Hot about Climate Change: Road to Paris – Ireland


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 3: Structured dialogue

Venue: Dublin, Ireland

Dates: 20-23 October 2015

Participants: Agáta Guńka, Barbara Gaurová, Radka Gallová, Zuzana Fišerová, Alena Brabencová

Group leader: Lukáš Libánský

Please read the info-pack and project schedule

Please also read the Recommendations for Policy Makers from the Participants of ECO-UNESCO’S Transnational Youth ECO Forum; What’s So Hot About Climate Change: Road to Paris

Participating countries:  Albania, Czech Republic, Italy, Norway, Rumania, Ireland

Hosting organisation: ECO-UNESCO

Project report

Last Saturday Czech group consisted of six young people – Lukáš, Zuzka, Radka, Agata, Basia and Alena arrived from global-warming-oriented youth project in Dublin about annual meeting set in Paris and called COP21. Its aim is to deal with the global warming and climate change problematics, discuss the problems and suggest the solutions. 196 countries participate, represented by their highest politicians and global warming activits and they have to come up with one plan they will all commit to, because if they won’t, we might find ourselves in very bad air conditions, because it can effect whole planet and it will.

As we arrived at the late evening on Tuesday, 20th October, besides the Italian group, all the groups were already in our hostel and they pretty got to know each other, as they had spent the day together. We tasted Norwegian amazing brown cheese and after the brought dinner, very late night fast food, we went to bed and expected another day. Next morning, after breakfast, we stayed in the hostel and had a few presentations about COP21, scientifically focused, and in the afternoon we modelled COP21, divided into a few countries – for example China and USA. The activities ended everyday at 4 PM and then each of us had a great oppurtunity to explore the beautiful places of Dublin streets, parks and sights. For the next two days programme took place at St.Andrew’s centre, an old building, where the whole group walked across the city centre. Some experts, such as the Dublin highest politicians or member of Parliament or media people came and we asked them questions we had prepared in the groups we were divided into. I personally have to say that was very interesting activity for me! The last day was time to stand up for our country in oir group and show a pottentional to prepare our own action plan, what are we actually going to do. We talked in our national group and we found out, we all care about food waste and its problematics and we want to connect the national organizatons oriented onto the same topic and people in Czech Republic through our own project called Ukaž to!/Show it! Czech out the food waste.

We were accomodated in Oige International Hostel, which I liked very much – the beds were comfortable, we had our own bathroom (and a sink with two taps!), unlimited amount of free maps (which turned out as very useful) and great attitude of employers even despite some technical issues.

Overall, I think this project was very enriching for all of us – we understood the problematics of climate change itself, we discovered the beautiful town with its magic, we got to know their lifestyle, locals and their behaviour. I wish I stayed in Dublin longer, this project was one of the greatest adventures of my life.

Alena Brabencová

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