Grow Your Possibilities — France


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Bédeille, France

Dates: 20-30 August 2019

Participants: Miriam Langerová, Robert Balog, Marie Matoušková, Kateřina Štrofová

Host organisation: SolAfrika

Please read the info-pack & project summary and project booklet.Booklet GYP (1)

Project report: 

What is a France? It is country full of art, great, light food and pride. In every conor of France you can see long history of emancipation, freedom and famous french revolution that is also effecting french dwellers in very specific way till a now a days. 
France, country of art, love and great food. 
Me and my friends from Czech Republic (mentioned above) were so honored that we were choosen to the project “Grow Your possibilities” that was held in Bédellie in from 20th of August to 30th of August by organisation Solarfrika that taught us so much! 
Where to start? Solafrika is enviromental friendly organisation that fight against the polution and also trying to impprove youth skills. For example this project was focused on youth workers. All people from seven coutries (mentioned above) came to one place to share their experiences and techniques how to work with youth. Togheter we were trying to create the best way of it by construktive criticism, new ideas, reflections etc. 
But that was not the only aim of the project. Socializing was neccessary part of the project, at the end of our beautiful trip conections between us were so strong! I feel like we have made so many amazing, talented friends from our industry, that is extremly helpful. 

Our daily task was learning new activities in form of participating. There were also lot of interesting workshops for example “six steps of solving the problems” or “active listening” Even we as youth workers knew what these things meant we went deeper into the issue and got more knowladge and experiences – neccesary condition of our job.

We had to create also our own workshop for other participants. My workshop was called “heart surgery” – (one Will life the others will Die) – 10 people split into to the two groups (they should be on the same level, that means oral skills, intelligence etc.)
I had to create at least 5 options for them to choose from (Mother of 3 Kids, helpful lawyer – in general People in difficult situations) after I gavme them the papers they have 20 minutes to choose one person and prepare arguments why person that has been choosen by themslefs should life more than the person of the other group.
The aim of the game is to progress verbal skills, stand by their own ideas and after all can vindicate them.
Also they have to think about Global questions like poverty, parentship, homosexuality and so on.
Debate between then should not take longer than 10 minutes.
At the end you choose group that won, your decisoin should be based on facts not emotions. 
My great frined Mia that was part of our czech team as well created physical activities and it was such a fresh air after long theroitical days. (Thanky you for that) 

Best thing that happpened to us was trip to the mountains where we were swimming in the freezing lake. Magical nature and animals around us

My personal advice to Solarfika is to working on english of one employe that was still very importnat in lot of workshops and acitvities and could not speak english very well. But that is only detail, in general everyone was kind and wanted to help with anything anytime. Also schedule was very tight and useful. 

Programme was intense but all of us are still so greatful and full of joy that we could be part of an amazing idea and helped to implement it to the reality. 

Robert Balog

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