Colours of Europe — Lithuania


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course, 2021-2-LT02-KA153-YOU-000039145

Venue: Vilnius, Lithuania

APV (Advance Planning Visit) dates: 25—28 January 2023. APV was attended by Matěj H. on behalf of the Czech team.

Training course dates: 28 February—7 March 2024

Czech team: 3 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Emituras

Project report:

At the end of February started a wonderful week full of learning new things, exploring new country and making new friends. The training course called “Colours of Europe” took place in Lithuania (Vilnius), started 28th of February and ended 7th of March.

Me (Marika L.), Michael J. and Lukáš V. participated in the project representing the Czech team. There were overall 10 countries: Azerbaijan, Armenian, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Turkey and Lithuania. You can tell that the cultures were really diverse. Usually each team consisted of 3 to 4 participants.

The main goal of this project was to get familiar with the topic of hate speech, how to avoid using it and how to prevent situations, where hate speech can get out of control and can turn into acts of violence. Throughout different activities during this project we learnt various tools on how to fight against discrimination, recognize fake news and also and most importantly, we acknowledged that the bias and stereotypes root in us, so if we want to change something, we should focus on what part we have in hate culture and how can we improve ourselves. The outcome of this project was a workshop that national teams created based on what their country needed the most.

In our free time we were getting lost in the streets of Vilnius, going on adventures and hikes and exploring Lithuanian culture, but also exploring the culture and backgrounds of other participants.

To sum it up, I have to say that this project was in some ways eye-opening, I never realized how hate and hate speech are spread in our world even these days in our everyday life. Thanks to this project I know which tools I can use to fight it and also I can raise awareness about this topic. This project gave me new friends, which whom I stay in contact with and also I discovered a new country and its culture!  Through this week we could get to know others better and get to know ourselves better. All thanks to EYCB for giving us this opportunity to join this project and get out of our comfort zone. This was my first project with EYCB, but definitely not the last!

Marika L.

Training Course “Colors of Europe” Successfully Combats Hate Speech and Promotes Inclusion


The “Colors of Europe” training course, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from February 28 to March 7, has successfully concluded, empowering 40 youth workers from 13 European countries to combat hate speech, prejudices, and racism.


Organized by Emituras (LT), the training course brought together passionate youth workers eager to make a difference in their communities. Through a series of workshops, discussions, and practical exercises, participants delved into strategies to recognize, challenge, and ultimately, transform discriminatory attitudes and behaviors.


“We are thrilled with the outcome of the ‘Colors of Europe’ training course,” said [Name], project coordinator. “The dedication and enthusiasm of the participants were truly inspiring, and we are confident that they will be able to effect positive change in their communities.”


Participants engaged in activities aimed at raising awareness of cultural diversity, understanding the impact of hate speech, and developing practical skills to address these issues in their work. The training emphasized the importance of using media and creative methods to combat discrimination effectively.

“The training was a transformative experience,” said Andrian Pavalachi, a youth worker from Romania. “I feel more equipped and motivated than ever to combat hate speech and racism in my community.”

The “Colors of Europe” training course exemplifies the commitment of European youth workers to creating a more tolerant and inclusive Europe. Through collaboration and education, these dedicated individuals are making a significant impact in the fight against discrimination.

For more information about the “Colors of Europe” training course and future initiatives, please contact Emituras NGO. 

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