Broad Perspectives — Netherlands


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: seminar

Venue: Ommen, Netherlands

Timetable of this mobility:

  • Online assignments,
  • Seminar: 1—9 June 2024, Ommen, Netherlands,
  • Organization of local activities (in the Czech Republic): from June to September 15.
  • Follow Up (Check-in Online meeting) – until the end of October 2024.

Czech team: 4 participants 

Please read the info-pack. Please also explore the project’s wonderful Doodle Kit.

Hosting organisation: Synchro Foundation

Project report:

Synchro foundation has brought together young professionals to Olde Vechte in Ommen with an aim to develop skill for managing conflicts effectively, respectfully and even playfully. Each of the naional groups has brought a tool to present and inroduce others into. We went through theatre improvisation, non-violent communication, puppetry, arts and crafts or journaling. You can see all of these in a video series created by the participants together with Synchro foundation and the organizers – Cristina, Alina, Meta and Roxana.

We experienced cultures and diversity also through food made by an amazing cook Afro, which has made the experience even more broadening! We also enjoyed The Netherlands with other participants, going for walks or even visiting local thrifshops. Thanks to everyone being a part of this project, hope your perspectives in conflict solution will be broad!

Barbora M.

LOCAL ACTIVITIES in the Czech Republic:


My mystery mandala

  • date 26.6.2024
  • goal: self reflection, to find your strengths
  • participants profile: colleagues from a student union, teachers, summer camps organizers, kids educators and facilitators, age: 19 to 21 y.o.
  • number of participants: 5
  • description: The workshop started with a little meditations with relaxing piano music. Then I introduced the workshop to them and after they started working. When they were done, we made a short reflection about how they felt during the process and what they have learned about themselves. They felt consecrated, relaxed and relieved during the workshop. They also mentioned that the activity is useful for adult events, kids events and also in subjects like personality and social development or personality psychology



  • date: 8.7.2024
  • goal: assertive communication, paying attention
  • number: 11 kids
  • participants: kids in the age of 6 to 10 y.o.
  • description: We played the game “Mafia” with the children. First, I explained the rules of the game to them. Then, we played a few practice rounds to help the children understand the game and feel comfortable, without the fear of making mistakes. After the practice rounds, we played the game in its traditional format. At the beginning, the children felt the need to express their opinions and were not fully listening to others. However, they soon realized that without proper communication, they couldn’t reach an agreement on who to identify as the Mafia. Once they understood this, the game became much more engaging and enjoyable for them. After we finished playing, we had a reflection session. The children shared that they were often surprised by who turned out to be the Mafia and also by the fact that some were accused of being Mafia even though they weren’t. They also mentioned that once they understood the importance of agreeing on who to eliminate and working together, the game became much easier and more fun for them.


Broad perspectives dissemination / Lukáš

In the middle of august, during weekend 16 – 18th August, three days non-formal education event had been conducted in the surroundings of Horovicky castle in Czech Republic. This project was implemented by experienced youth workers and was deducated for two different, still overlapping target groups: youth workers and young people of university age, who came to work on their soft skills. The whole weekend training´s topic was to find out ourselves, to find our own values and to solve unresolved problems that had accumulated during our lifes within us and with our peers.

Workshop 1:

The method of journaling started with short 15-20 minutes practice/meditation to release the flow of our thoughts, coming back to our mind, to disconnect from distracting elements, reconnecting back to ourselves. This practice was led by a leader, who give instruction, with mindful music from the speaker on background. This warmup session should connect our mind with the physical essence of our body itself. The next step was writing the letter itself to a person which we have a conflict. In order to ensure proper duration of time for this activity, it was decided that the letter doesn´t need to be written by the end of the day, but we were coming back to the letter during the whole weekend during breaks therefore each of the participant had enough of time. Whoever needed or felt the letter still not finished, continued later at home. The method of journaling helped us to solve unresolved problem with any person in our life by either giving the letter to him/her. This workshop participated 7 youth workers of different background (environmental educators, professional school teacher, youth workers working for NGOs and one unemployed youth worker preparing for his career). This method brought the freedom to write about difficult topic, which was never ready to speak about and to give critical feedback.

Workshop 2:

The second workshop was inspired on motives of mandala drawing. However, the mandala drawing itself was the result of the whole afternoon research of the values, that we would like to incorporate. In the city, 15 points was prepared, these points were drawn on a paper map, which participants used (no mobile phones with internet connection or offline mobile maps allowed). In the age of youth, values are often yet not well discovered or understood, therefore these points in the city were used to give hints to the participants about the values that they would like to use in their final drawing. Each point in the city was marked by orange streamer as a designation of the right place. On each point, there was one individual value highlighted with brief (max 10 sentences) explanation. Participants decided by their own choice, which values they would like to visit in the city depending on their own knowledge or daily use of the value. When all participants came back, it was time for mandala drawing. Colourful pencils, markers and papers were prepared to the task. In the end of the drawing, we have all gathered in a circle to share our feelings and our paintings. One of the main benefits obtained from this workshop was to realize/ to discover our own values, our goals, our targets but also our strong behaviours that help us to fulfill the goals. Moreover, this also help us on daily basis to come back to our values, when we feel demotivated, frustrated or overwhelmed. This workshop participated 10 young university age people.


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