
Programme and action: ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 1: Youth Exchange

Dates: 9-16 April 2015

Venue: Don Benito, Badajoz, Spain

Participants: Jitka Zejbrdlichová, Ondřej Podlešák, Pavel Vávra, Radek Lunda, Mlada Richterová, Petra Kudelová

Please read the project info-pack.

Host organisation: European Youth Office Cerujovi (Don Benito-Spain)

Project info:

During april, group of 6 people from Czech republic decided to try out new opportunities provided by Programm Erasmus +.

The course took place in a small town 300 kilometers from Madrid. The whole week we were “in motion”. 🙂 We’ve had a chance to meet with groups from Italy, Belgium, Poland and Spain. We loved to have a chance to talk and have fun with international groups and we were provided a lot of opportunities to practice english and talk about cultural differences. Every day, there was an intercultural evening of each country, which provided a lot of fun every night! We all loved spending time together, eating national food, drinking national drinks and getting to know different habits and simply having fun.

The accomodation was quite nice, we were living in a small quiet village. All participants were accomodated in one hostel in rooms with 6 or 8 bed with one common room to do some activies (pool, foosball) and to party in the night (which was great). Because the village was really small, there was unfortunately no other option for night-life fun. The rooms were mixed nationalities, so we had to communicate in English most of the time, which was nice to practice. During the week, we had an opportunity to do some sight-seeing. We visited a nearby castle with beautiful sceneries. Also, a trip to a historic city was really nice.

The schedule of the course wasn’t quite fullfilled. ‘Nutrition workshop’ promised in schedule wasn’t realised, maybe because of multiple complaints on the quality of the food from participants – every single day the food was fried and really unhealthy. There were also lots of fun activies which provided some movement. We would like to play more sports instead of some games, but we understand that not everybody likes to sport. What we (the Czech group) don’t understand is why those people attend or organise such events. For example, what was reffered to as a “spanish sporting activity” hosted by the organisers turned out to be a paper-plane building competition, egg throwing contest and pop-quiz. Not my image of healthy lifestyle, either with food or sports.

What was really great were other national sports events. Apart from Spanish one, every other nation hosted the sports event greatly. We played sports like ultimate frisbee, football or basketball with limited amout of participants, as those were the only sports with provided equipment. The competition usually consisted of some running or workout, too. Every nation did a great job and definitely learned something about hosting a sports event and organising people.

After all, we really enjoyed our stay, mostly the participans were awesome! Thanks to all who we met and hope to see you again!

Ondřej Podlešák

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