Empowering Minorities — A project to improve practices for work with minorities (Part 4 — study visit) — Republic of North Macedonia


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 2 (Capacity Building in the Field of Youth): four-stage project. Stage 4: Study Visit

Project activities:

  1. Training Course in Albania (January 2019)
  2. Training Course in Kosovo (March 2019)
  3. Capacity Building in all partner countries 
  4. Study Visit in North Macedonia (September 2019)

Venue: Struga and Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Dates: 30 September – 6 October 2019

Participants: Ester Čapková, Taher Kebab, Lukáš Peluněk, Robert Balog

Please read the info-pack of this four-stage project. Please read this study visit’s infopack & daily programme

Hosting organisation: Dyert e se Ardhmes (D.E.A.)

Project report: 

Macedonia is famous for people, they are very warm to each other and especially to the turists, You can find there unexpected diversity of cultures, architecrue and food. Macedonia is also famous for economy, goverment, poverty unemployment, noneducation and issues with minorities. 

The last aspects I have mentioned above were the main aim of our study visit. We have witnessed terrible conditions of Roma people in Skopje. Especially Roma people struggle the most with inclusion in Macedonia becasue they have bad reputation due to they have no  documents (Id,insursnce) and they simply can not be valuable part of the sociaty, they can not visit a doctor or to the school so the situation seems to has no ending. However there are lot of nongovermental organisations that deal with this issue and trying to solve it. And these organisations were objects of our study visit as well. We participated more than 15 classes abou each organisation, every organisation presented itslef, their aim of the job, highest achived acomplishment and so on. 

First day we went to do Roma gheto, there we were welcomed by many kids that were inclued in organisation Youth Alliance. This experience was very touching and I find this like a best moment in Macedonia. 

After two study days we moed to the Struga, there we visited another organisation that dealt also with youth/Roma issue + enviroment issue. On 5.10 we had a “free day” so we could explore the beauty of Macedonia. We found an amazing, huge lake surrounded by mountains. We spent there beuatiful time and got closer to each other. 

The last day was day of hugs and kisses. I feel like have made fantasticly wonderful friendships and also met many organisation taht we can work with in the future. 
I would love to thank organisation D.E.A for their hard, amazing job and for great study visit.

– Robert Balog.

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