Future Depends on Me — Poland


Date: 16-24 July 2013

Venue: Zakopane, Poland

Programme and action: Youth in Action programme, Action 1.1. youth exchange

Participants: Daniela Králíková, Jan Kruntorád, Dominika Csepcsarová, Veronika Ciencialová, Iva Vlková, Kateřina Vacková, Tereza Mihulková, Michal Pavelka

Participating countries: Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania

Project report:

When I first hear about this projects, it was very interesting for me. My friend told me about this and i ´m glad that she do that. We decided to go to the project to Poland to Zakopane. I didn´t know what should i expect, but it was prerfect.

After we get to the place, where our project was held, we meet other participants. The organisator of all action was very kind of us, and i feel motivating to start with program. The most exciting was making a funny video, which needed participation of all members of group and it get us more together. 

The project, it wasn´t just games, and workshops about economy, but we also go to the trip to the town named Zakopane, and also to the mountains. It was very beautiful and we have a lot of nice pictures of me and my new friends.

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