Art’Up — France


Programme and action: Youth in Action programme, action 4.3. training course

Venue: Bédeille, near Toulouse, France

Dates: 1-11 October 2013

Participants: Jan Masnica, Leona Chlubnová, Miroslav Hrubý

Participating countries: France, Czech Republic, Poland, Estonia, Romania

Project report:

I found project Art’Up with my friend and I really liked timetable from infopack. So, We tried to join this project. It was possible because of

European Youth Centre Břeclav o. s.. We did some journey from Czech republic to Bedeille near Toulouse in France. First days was about recognize each other and ice breakers, thank interesting activities and games it was possible and we started to be open to each other. But the main topic of this project was theater, music, singing and painting workshops, the project included photography exercise too.

   Theater workshop was about theater of the opressed, that’s method to deal with conficts throught the theater. This interesting method is very good for detail understanding of conflicts in society. In music workshop we tried to make some band only with voices, for example we were reggae band in one part of workshop, there were people who tried to make sound of basses, guitars and trumpets only with voices, this workshop was really interesting. Our painting workshop started with speech about mixing colours and how to make good frame for painting, it was usefull. We just put random thinks on the table and started to paint it with help of workshop leader. During all this workshop we had enough time to prepare ourselves for another activities and relax.

   There were soma intercultural nights, when people from some country tried to make dinner and presentation about their culture. We were able to see czech, poland, estonian, french, romanian and portugal intercultural night and all of them were well-organised. Also, we had spent time in Toulouse, where we should visit some coffee, pastry, shops and seesights. All project was nice and well-organised, there were really friendly people and I believe that others were as satisfied as me. Thank all organizers of this project include czech ones too.

Jan Masnica

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