Influencers of Mother Earth — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Burdur, Turkey

Dates: 24 August-1 September 2024

Czech team: 6 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: NATU-RULERS

Project report:

Participating in the Influencers of Mother Earth project in Antalya, Turkey, was a unique experience that taught me practical skills in content creation for social media and I also gain a knowledge about environment. The project involved 35 participants from five countries – Turkey, Czech republic, Lithuania, Romania and Macedonia.

Every day, we learned how to effectively create and present content for social media, with an emphasis on environmental topics. Through this, I gained valuable skills that will be useful for working with digital media. We created posts, videos, and other types of content aimed at raising awareness about protecting our planet.

One of the most exciting activities was visiting a fire station, where we not only practiced putting down a fire but also recorded a report, which we later saw on national TV. Our visit was so important that a major of Burdur visited us.

We also visited a recycling center in Burdur, where we gained a detailed understanding of how waste is sorted and recycled. We used this experience to create content designed to inspire others to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. We learned how the process works in practice.

Another interesting part of the program was visiting an emergency center, where we learned how to act during natural disasters like earthquakes or floods.

In addition to these visits, we worked on content creation every day and participated in activities that promoted collaboration among participants, with everyone contributing their knowledge and ideas. The project allowed me to better understand the importance of environmental protection and showed me how we can effectively communicate and spread this message through social media.

This entire experience was incredibly enriching, and I would highly recommend it to anyone interested in ecology and digital communication. The team from Natu-rules was amazing. Always caring, helping  and I want to thank them one more time.

Viktoria K.

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