Game Changers — Italy


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Gravina (Puglia), Italy

Dates 26—31 May 2023

National team: Timoteus Pospíšil, Zita Kučerová, Martin Zeman, Denisa Faltýnková, Jan Schmid, Josef Šoukal

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Associazione Link APS

Project report:

The Game Changers training course was a project focusing on, as the name hints, the use of gaming in youth work. It was a very short project consisting only of four full days, which, however, did not influence the number of activities, which we have managed to actualize.

During the first day we got to know other participants and discover the beautiful city of Gravina with its historical aqueduct through a digital tool called Action Bound. Second and third day comprised of building up our portfolios of digital tools that can be used in youth work and learning to work with them, as well as of lectures from an experienced Finnish youth worker Jouni, who uses games and videogames especially in his daily life. During this time, we have also developed our own 40-minutes-long program involving gaming, which we then realized on the final day at a school in a nearby city. It was an intense four-day project, in which we gradually got to know many games and digital tools, learned how to use them, and finally applied them in practice.

Outside of the project program, there was the opportunity to explore the historical city of Gravina and its underground caves, try out typical local pasta – le orecchiette – and eat gelato, of course. On the final day we traveled to a nearby city of Altamura, where we spent the morning at the school and then had time to spent in the city and in the center of the Link association, which organized the project.

For me, it was a well-organized project with awesome people, and I leave, once again, filled with amazing experiences, a bit of sadness that it ended, and the yearning for another project.

Timoteus Pospisil

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