GAME ON – Poland


Program and action: program ERASMUS+, Key action 1: multi-phase training course


1st training course: 15-23th July 2020

2nd training course: 5—13 July 2021. Please read the info-pack for the 2nd TC

3rd training course:  22—30 October 2021. Please read the info-pack for the 3rd TC

Venue: Rabka-Zdrój (60km from Krakov), Poland

Participating countries: North Macedonia, Greece, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland 

Host organization: Stowarzyszenie Europe4Youth

Report from the 1st phase (15-23th July 2020):

 Welcome to sunny mountains Gorce! Welcome to the world full of happy people, fun, and new friendships. I had traveled Poland with five Czech people on the 15th July. We were really excited about the project “Game on!” that ended on the 23th July. There were 17 participants from each country: the Czech Republic, Greece, Spain and Poland.  

   Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our leaders – Barbara and Piotrek we were able to create a wonderful team without any single mistake! During a lot of activities we got to know each other better and better and thanks to many group works, we were able to cooperate quite easily. We were creating new table games, were made acquaintance with institution of Europe Union, EU youth conference . We were playing new, or classical table games. We had learned ways of storyteling. Presentation of our results allowed us to practice English and move our level a little bit higher! 

 Moreover, we experienced great Polish food, drinks and we had a lot of opportunities to explore the city Zakopane and High Tatras. 

 What is glorious is the cooperation between nations, realizing that the playing games and cooperation is the most important thing that every individual can do something to make the life better. For all of us this was only the beginning. Now, when we are back home we can keep going developing new games. We can start with creating a lot of beautiful things or we can use education by means of games as the most powerful weapon to change the world. Everything is up to us!

 To sum it up, if there is no EYCB as the great group allowing a lot of people to do amazing things EYCB would have to be invented! Thank a lot every single person allowing these projects to happen! 

                                                                                                        Martin Zeman

Report from the 2nd phase:

Welcome to Poland! Welcome to the world full of creative people, fun, friendship and honesty. It was my pleasure to travel to Poland (Rabka-Zdrój) with four other Czech people on the 5th July. We were really excited about the project  Game ON!” that ended on the 13st July. There were thirtheen people from each country: the Czech Republic, the Macedonia, Greece, Spain and Poland.

   Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our leaders – Barbara, Piotrek and Piotrek we were able to create a wonderful team without any single mistake! During a lot of activities we got to know each other better and better and thanks to many group works, we were able to cooperate quite easily. We were dealing, for example with deepening the understanding of democratic fundaments of the European Union and developing a learning tools – in the form of board games to attract youngsters in our country. Presentation of our games allowed us to practice English and move our level a little bit higher! Moreover, we experienced quite a lot from Polish vital culture. We visited historical town Krakov and local board games club, where we spent whole amazing afternoon. We experienced great Polish food and drinks.  

   Considering it all in all, this project had something special in itself. Everything was so calm, pretty and amazing, like somewhere in the dream. What is glorious is the cooperation between nations in developing edu-tools to conduct European Youth, introducing gaming into education about EU issues. At the end of this project we had several games for the future work of our organizations. 

 The most important thing is the fact that every individual can do something to make the situation better. During the project, the organizational team have created the creative atmosphere full of usefull informations  and practises. For all of us this was only the beginning. Now, when we are back home we can prepare to third meeting in Rabka in autumn, so we can use education as the most powerful weapon to change the world. Everything is up to us!

 To sum it up, if there is no EYCB as the great group allowing a lot of people to do amazing things EYCB would have to be invented! Thank a lot every single person allowing these projects to happen! 

                                                                                                                                   Martin Zeman

Report from 3rd phase:

Welcome to Poland! Welcome to the world full of happy people, fun and friendship. It was my pleasure to travel to Poland (Rabka-Zdrój) with four other Czech people on the 21th October. We were really excited about the project “Game on!” that ended on the 30st October. There were fourteen people from each country: the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Germany and from the hosting country: Poland.

Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our leaders – Barbara, Piotrek and Piotrek we were able to create a wonderful team without any single mistake! During a lot of activities we got to know each other better and better and thanks to many group works, we were able to cooperate quite easily. We were creating educational tools in form of new board games for attraction interest of young people for topics of Europe. The aim was also deepen  knowledge about institutions of Europe Union with aiming on politics related to young people and democracy. To find ways to influence young people. The main thing is how implement playing of board games to education concerning european questions. We were creating games,which can be used for our future social work and organizations. Presentation of our results allowed us to practice English and move our level a little bit higher!

Moreover, we experienced quite a lot from Polish vital culture – great Polish food, drinks and we had a lot of opportunities to explore the Gorciansky national park including the amazing scenes of High Tatras mountains. 

Considering it all in all, this project had something special in itself. Everything was so calm, pretty and amazing, like somewhere in the dream. What is glorious is the cooperation between nations, realizing that the democratic fundaments of Europe Union are basically the most important thing. During the project, the technical team have created the functional windmill of knowledge about board game and we had inspiration in playing new european board games.  For all of us this was only the beginning. Now, when we are back home we can distribute results of our work to low-threshold oragnizations, houses of the youngsters and other nonprofit organizations. We can start with creating a lot of beautiful things or we can use education as the most powerful weapon to change the world. Everything is up to us!

To sum it up, if there is no EYCB as the great group allowing a lot of people to do amazing things EYCB would have to be invented! Thank a lot every single person allowing these projects to happen! 

                                                                                                                                                    Martin Zeman

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