Leadership in the Spotlight — Hungary


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Balatonszárszó, Hungary

Dates: 5—13 November 2023

Czech team: 2 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: MeOut Group

Project report:

On the 5.11.2023 group of 21 strangers. During the one-week-long training, the group went through all 5 Tuckman´s group development stages from forming to adjourning.

Our great program facilitator Ekatarina provided us with a training program through experiential learning, so we had many opportunities to try leadership in praxis. During the week we learned what is leadership, we tried out which leadership style suits us the most, and we discovered different leadership models. What´s more, we experienced the difference between working in a team and in a group, we tried to solve different conflict situations by using non-conflict communication. Also, we had the opportunity to share different approaches to working with youth in different countries.

Because most of the present countries were from the Balkan, we could tune ourselves on the energetic Balkan wave and discover differences between us, but also what we have in common (cuisine, habits, music, and more).

Because on the training course, there were no organised evenings, we had an opportunity to lead them by ourselves by preparing international night, movie night or karaoke night. As we had one day free in the middle of the training we organised a trip to Budapest, where we not only saw amazing monuments and the city itself but also, we visited some youth centres and acknowledged how they work in a foreign country.

To sum it up, I would say, that this training showed me that experiential learning is an interesting learning technique and people not only can learn some information but also can get to know others and themselves. Also, in this course, I acknowledged new information about leadership styles, which are used, how to create a good team, how to communicate in conflict situations and to use non-conflict communication. What´s more, I have met inspiring people from different working environments.

Magdalena M.

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