Political Education Through Storytelling — Slovakia


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Svätý Jur, Slovakia

Dates: 2—10 July 2024

Czech team: 1 participant.

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Bratislava Policy Institute

Project report:

The project Political Education through Storytelling took place between 1 and 10 July 2024 in the Slovak village of Svatý Jur, near Bratislava. The host organisation was the Bratislava Policy Institute. Participants came from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary. The project focused mainly on political campaigning methodology for parties and candidates for various elections.
The best mode of transport to the project site was a combination of bus, international train from the Czech Republic and the last leg from Bratislava by regional train.
Accommodation was provided at the Krone Hotel, in rooms for 2-4 participants. Meals were of a very good standard, with a buffet breakfast, two snacks during the programe and a choice of two options for each lunch and dinner. On excursion days outside Svatý Jur we were given packed lunches or dinners. We had the opportunity to try several typical Slovak dishes not only during the intercultural evening but also during the regular meals.
The programe took place in a large conference room with a projector, flipcharts and a number of tables and stationery used during the programe sessions. First we learned a lot about different methods and approaches to creating successful political campaigns through various examples, and then in smaller groups we had a day and a half to put together our own campaigns, including the program, promo materials, speeches, budgets, etc. The project also included three lectures by experts at the hotel, a meeting with a writer in exile at café in Bratislava and a tour of the historic city centre.
During the free afternoon, the participants divided into smaller groups, some of which went to Vienna, others to Bratislava or to historical sites in the area.
I rate the project very positively, it was well organized, the accommodation and meals were of a good standard, the programe was valuable and well thought out and we really learned something useful.
František Z.

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