Milestones for the European Highway of EVS — Greece


Date: 21 – 28 November 2011

Venue: Greece, region Attica, Mati.

Number of participants: 2.

Organizer: TDM 2000 International

Project report:

Project was held from 21st to 28th of November in south of Greece, 20 kilometres from Athens in a coastline town called Rafina. Milestones for European Highway of EVS project was organized by Italian or better to say Sardinian youth organization TDM 2000 International. This training course was attended by 24 young participants representing 12 organizations coming from 12 different countries.

The entire project was designed as a training course for those who are interested in EVS (European Voluntary Service) projects both ways – either for volunteers who decide to go for it and especially for youth workers who deal with this issue as a sending or accepting organization. The program was very well prepared and neatly scheduled to a pretty extensive timetable. Every activity had its assigned time and tutors were strict on it in a very positive way. The concept was highly developed, which means, there were various activities all the time. They contained get-to-know-each-other games, role plays, seminars, workshops and last but not least team building activities. This gave us a complete overview what EVS is all about.

All these activities took place in a seminar room in a nice seashore 4-star hotel. Participants stayed in double rooms, which were pretty comfortable. There were regular schedule for breakfast, snack, lunch, coffee break and dinner. They were served as a buffet offering us many delicious Greek dishes. Every evening there were some kinds of intercultural nights or social programs.

I assess this as a very useful and priceless experience, which let us take a deeper look into structures and imperative processes concerning the topic of European Voluntary Service.

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