Naturalistic Intelligence — Slovenia


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Trbovlje, Slovenia

Dates: 20—26 May 2024

Czech team: 2 participants 

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: ASPIRA

Project report:

Zdrava from Slovenia! Me and my close friend (Adam), who gave me the opportunity to join this unique project, we went to the location of Trbovlje from May 20th to 26th, where we were accommodated in the mountain lodge Planinski dom Gore.

From the beginning, it was possible to feel a very strong positive connection from all the participants and also from the lecturers (Vesna and Luka), who were in charge of the entire project’s operations. Therefore, it was very pleasant and easy to work and open up to each of these amazing people.

The first two days were dedicated to getting to know the project better, during which the first introductory workshops also took place, where we learned to fully trust each other. These two days were absolutely crucial for creating a strong bond with the whole group, which was necessary for overall relaxation, opening up, and understanding oneself. At first, it was very difficult for me to understand and absorb the feeling that so many incredibly kind souls had gathered in one place.

On the third day, we had the opportunity to meet a new lecturer (Jaka), who was responsible for all the outdoor workshops. This person was able to explain, convey, and awaken what we all have within us, which is a connection to nature. Thanks to him, not only I but also the other participants were able to understand how important and closely connected nature is to everything. I was able to understand that it is necessary to find and accept the balance between the natural (spiritual) world and the materialistic world. Together, we engaged in many new activities that provided us with a more effective perspective on working with youth. It was important to understand that applying traditional authoritative pressure from the leader is not always the best approach. What I found amazing about this entire project was that we were all absolutely equal, especially from the lecturers. Thanks to this form of youth leadership, where an individual has the freedom and the right to express their opinion about what they dislike about a given situation, it is, in my view, a very effective and often better way to understand the feelings and thoughts of the individual and the group.

Since this was my very first experience where I had the opportunity to get acquainted with a new form of youth leadership, I can now say that I would very much like to continue expanding my current knowledge in this field.

I am incredibly grateful for this amazing experience and the time I was able to spend with these people. Each of them was a tremendous support and an enormous source of new knowledge, opinions, and perspectives on things I did not know or understand before. Therefore, I would like to thank not only the EYCB organization but also the entire group with whom I had the chance to experience five unforgettable days in a beautiful natural location in Slovenia, Trbovlje.

Josef Š.

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