Nature Connection — Ireland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Woodstown, County Waterford, Ireland

Dates: 5—11 May 2024

Czech team: 2 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Waterford and South Tipperary Community Youth Service

Project report:

Erasmus + project called Nature Connection took place in Woodstown near Waterford, Ireland between 5th and 11th of May in 2024. The main goal of the project was to reconnect with nature, to understand the environment that surrounds us better, to find meaning and beauty among the Irish wilderness.

Participants from Armenia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Spain and Ukraine shared their approaches, ideas, experience and cultural differences related to nature, its perception and protection.

The project was full of trips around Irish nature which uncovered its treasures in all the beauty and variety. We have seen gorgeous cliffs, wild tides, flourishing meadows, mountains and calming forests. The whole project was very refreshing and inspiring. Most of us learned how to appreciate and enjoy nature more. In return we tried to give nature something back for all the gifts we are receiving from it. Altogether we planted around 80 trees in the countryside and cleaned a beach from trash. These activities were really satisfying and meaningful for all of us. It was amazing to see positive outcomes of our work which were especially visible after cleaning the beach.

The project was also about sharing cultures. Irish culture was omnipresent in the most positive way. Only the sunny weather wasn’t properly Irish but no one really complained about that. I will never forget the night when we visited traditional Irish pub vibrating with music and people singing with delicious pints of Guinness in their hands. Every national team had an opportunity to show their country and its culture during intercultural night. Sharing of different cultural values was also implemented into the activities. For example presenting one tradition from national folklore that is connected to nature.

Ukrainians made beautiful wreaths from flowers, Estonians told us sad and moving legends from ancient times, Armenians prepared entertaining storytelling about mythical goddess of water and Czechs surprised everyone with dynamical demonstration of “pomlázka”.

At the last day we set bonfire on the beach and were impressed by northern lights that unexpectedly appeared above our heads. I believe there was no better way how to connect with nature. Thanks for all of that!

Martin P.

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