Puzzle but not Razzle Dazzle — Turkey


Date: 3-10 February 2013

Venue: Kirsehir, Turkey

Program and action: Youth in Action programme, action 1.1. youth exchange

Pax: Vojtěch Novotný, Michal Kadaňka, Tomáš Ficek, Marie Wiesnerová, Katarina Cseriová (GL)

Project report:

The project Puzzle but not Razzle Dazzle took place in Kirsehir a city in Turkey. The main aim of the project was to create something, in this case a puzzle and the second aim was not to razzle dazzle – meaning no to destroy. So during the project we created some puzzles and especially many friendships, experience and new knowledge.

We had an opportunity to visit Cappadocia a beautiful places where we spent a whole day. The most interesting experience was pottery making workshop because some of us had an opportunity to try to make our own plate or dish.

Every night was an Intercultural night where we could taste food and drinks from other countries and learn their national dances. During the project we had several chances to try typical Turkish kebab and their famous black tea. The bravest ones drank it without sugar.

It was an amazing life experience and we went home satisfied and happy that we were there.

Katarina Cseriová 

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