Revitalizing Ecosystems Through Experientialisation — Austria


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Timeline of this training course:

  1. training course: 13—20 October 2024, Vienna, Austria
  2. Organization of local activities (in the Czech Republic): within two months after returning from the project. 

Czech team: 3 participants.

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: EMOTiC

Project report:

Hello everyone! My name is Omar, I’m originally from Kazakhstan currently pursuing my bachelor degree in Czechia. From 13th of october to 20th of october, me and other 2 participants from Czechia participated in a training course “Revitalizing Ecosystems Through Experientialisation” that took place in a wonderfull city of Vienna. We also had participants from Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece, Germany and Poland.

A week was very intense and resourceful, but very fun as well. We learned about the principles of outdoor education, how we can use it in youth work and in our everyday lifes. The project was really interesting and fruitful. We were doing outside activies that were helping us to reconnect with nature, be more mindful and inclusive. After every activity we analyzed how it affected us, shared our thoughts and feelings. During the project we also had a chance to make create our own activities and play them out with other participants. By the way Czech team got the highest score among everyone! 🙂

Other than learning we also had a chance to connect with people from different countries. I really enjoyed learning about the cultures and customs of other participants. On our 2nd day there was a intercultural night, where everyone brought food and drinks from their countries, so we had a chance to taste wonderfull cuisines from all over Europe.

After the training session, during the evenings we were exploring the marvellous city of Vienna. Visiting popular actractions such as museums, statues and the famous opera of Vienna. Overall, I truly enjoyed my time during the project and would like thank EYCB for giving me this amazing opportunity.

Omar B.

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