The Catch Up — Quality Projects to Cap Gender Gap — Italy


Programme: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: contact making seminar

Venue: Pretoro, Italy

Dates: 9—15 October 2022

Czech team: Yazan Amri

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Iceland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Netherlands

Hosting organisation: IDENTITIES NGO

Project report:

First working day of the project started with getting to know each other. We used none formal activities for learning the names and the countries that are represented in the project. 
During the second session we focused on the objectives of the Erasmus+ programme. Additionaly Youthpass and 8 key competencies were introduced briefly. 
The second part of the day was about the society and stereotypies where we enclosed our local realities. We used none formal methodologies for discovering the roots of the stereotypies depending on local/ national contexts. 
During the last session of the day the group was devided into 4 small groups. The main task was to discuss how different countries deal with stereotypies and tried to find the new ideas and solutions for improving the current situation in local communities. Some of the discussions were really intensive because of the different backgrounds, experiences and cultures.
The day ended with beautiful intercultural night, where Island, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Italy presented their cultures and cuisins.
In the next days we also had a meeting with Shetech and Sapienza University representatives who specialize in gender studies, and had opportunity to ask questions regarding gender gap situation in Italy. 
During the lunchtime we finally saw how our names are spelled, enjoyed pasta and made sure we are not going to fit our clothes after this project… 
Afterwards we shared info, data and personal experience regarding gender gap situations in our countries. We discussed differences in providing families with parental leave, level of salaries and place of women and men in society, governmental regulations and policies on this matter.
In the evening we enjoyed intercultural evening and learned more facts about Denmark, Netherlands, Armenia, Georgia and Czech Republic. And of course tried some national food!
In the next days also seminars for problem tree approach have been conducted where each group had to make problem tree regarding to certain problem of inequality in the society  also other seminars for involving the women in the business had been presented.

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