Think Green — Portugal

Program: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Dates: 10—19 July 2021

Venue: Serra da Estrela, Portugal

Please read the info-pack.

Hostitelská organizace: Wineyard Youth

Participating countries: Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Spain

Czech team: Michaela Tobiášová, Martina Terezie Bártová, Marie Richterová, Linh Chi Nguyen, Eliška Jančíková

Project report:

From July 10 to 19, 2021, a youth exchange of Wineyard youth organization. The project was on the topic: Think green and took place in Portugal, specifically inland in the Portuguese mountains of the Serra da Estrela (Star Mountains) in the hostel of the same name. A total of 24 people from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Italy, Spain and Portugal took part in the project. Daniel and Filipa took care of us all the time, Carlos took care of the administration and Vlad from Romania took care of the photography.

At the beginning, we were divided into mixed teams. I was a little afraid I couldn’t get to know everyone. In the end, however, the composition and size of the teams changed randomly for each activity. At the beginning, the organizers introduced themselves to us and we played a few dating games. We more or less followed the program all the time. Our day started at 8:30 with breakfast, after which we played an energizer, which was in charge of one country every day. Then we had a morning coffee break program. It either took the form of a lecture, or we worked out some assignments from the organizers in teams. After lunch we had time off and an afternoon program interspersed with a coffee break. We mostly spent the afternoon outside playing games or workshops on environmental issues. We collected garbage, planted plants or got acquainted with various types of organic fertilizers. After dinner we had an evening program. For example, intercultural nights or watching the stars.

This project gave me, in addition to skills and tips on how to live more sustainably, new friends, knowledge of Portugal and actually other countries thanks to intercultural nights and the opportunity to dance bachata. Finally, I must also praise the local chefs for the delicious (for me) meatless dishes.

                                                                                                                           Michaela Tobiášová

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