Youth Workers for More Inclusive Europe – Armenia


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training Course

Venue: Yerevan, Armenia

Dates: 19-25 June 2017

Participants: Lukáš Libánský, Ludmila Pátá

Participants’ fee: €40

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Armenian Progressive Youth NGO (Armenia) & Youth Council of Valencia (Spain)

Participating organisations: Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Ukraine

Project report:

How to fight recent negative attitude against immigrants and refugees in Europe? That was the main topic of our awesome training course in Yerevan (Armenia). There were two people from each of ten participating countries, such as Czech republic, Spain, Italy, Romania, Belarus, Denmark, Georgia, Poland, Portugal and Ukraine. This course named Youth Workers for More Inclusive Europe started on the 19th and ended on the 25th June.

Our great Armenian organizers and Italian teachers prepared really interesting and interactive programme for us. Besides icebreakers and energizing group activities at beginings of each session, we learned and discussed serious topics, as fighting against hate speach, spreading tolerance towards immigrants and refugees or real data and facts about migration politics in Europe.

The most interesting serious parts of the training were „NGOs fair“, where each participant introduced his/her organisation and activities related to the topic of immigrants and also the day, when two real young Syrian refugees visited us, shared their stories and answered all our questions. They were surprisingly happy and open-minded people.

Moreover, we had chance to explore local city – capital Yerevan and it´s sights by adventurous group game including learning about local culture and talking to locals. Other day we took a trip to two old and famous Armenian sights nearby, Geghard monastery in the mountains and Garni temple on the hill. The same day, we experienced traditional bread baking and candy making with local family.

Overall, we met many new friends from other countries, experienced Armenian culture, practised spoken English, learned new skills and best practices regarding immigrants issue and promised future cooperation among our organisations. Thank to EYCB and Armenian leaders!

                                                                                                                                                                                            Lukáš Libánský

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