Ambassadors of European culture – Latvia


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Mobility of learners and staff

Venue: Daugavpils, Latvia

Dates: 14-23 October 2015

Advance Planning Visit (APV): 4-7 September 2015

Participants: Kristýna Pánková, Lucie Trnková, Noemi Kuliková, Barbora Stachová a Martin Dostál

Group leader: Adéla Bermellová

Please read the info-pack & daily programme.

Participating countries: Czech Republic, Latvia, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania

Hosting organisation:  Society „DAUGAVPILS JAUNIEŠU SAVIENĪBA” (Daugavpils, Latvia)

Project report:

Finally here, we thought to ourselves when we sat on our beds in the evening of 14th of October. We had no idea about the things awaiting us in the following days.

The programme started on 15th of October with ice-breaking and get-to-know-each-other activities. There were 24 of us, so it took us a while till we finally remembered all the names. In the afternoon there was a city game prepaired for us, thanks to which we got to know the city better. 

Everyday there was a typical latvian lunch prepaired for us. We also got fully involved into the latvian culture – we had an excursion by tram several times, we´ve learned some basic words in Latvian and when there wasn´t a“ intercultural night“ in the evening, we  went to a local independent music club Artilerija. What concerns local traditions and art we went to the Clay Art centre where we had the opportunity not only to see the masterwork of the local artists, but to try to do something of clay ourselves, then we had an excursion to the Local museum and seen the masterpieces of Mark Rothko´s gallery. The most touching experience for all of us was the visit of the Orphanage Priedite.

The whole project’s topic was multiculturality, so there were lots of activities connected with it. We had to explain what does the word „culture“ mean to us and then discover each other´s culture during the National Days. We successfully broke the stereotypes associated with our countries, we learned some dances, tasted various traditional dishes, came to know a lot of interesting things and well, there wasn´t even time to be bored.

Oh, how fast it all has passed. Suddenly it was 23rd of October and we were leaving. Maybe we will never see all these people again, but we have memories of the great time we have spent with them. And what´s more, we have all gained an experience, that no school could ever replace.

Adéla Bermellová

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