Talking About You(th) — Portugal


Dates 22—31 August 2020

Venue: Covilhã, Portugal

Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: Mountain Lovers

Participating countries: Portugal, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Serbia, Greece

Czech participants: Jakub Cieślar (GL), Maryana Deyak, Michael Rada, Miloslava Macková, Kristýna Liptáková
Julie Suchá 



In August 2020 five international teams attended Youth Exchange cunducted by informal group Mountain Lovers. The aim of “Talking About You(th)” was to develop participants’ skills and competences needed to carry out own or group project and engage youth to assume active role in the European society. The initial team building activities united the members and made easier the cooperation in the group. During the one week we worked on planning our own project. Thanks to experienced participants and tools provided by facilitators we could learn about the real aspects and challenges faced when working on projecting. The project was professional, effective and entertaining. The organisers, facilitators and all the staff was helpful and the time in Covilhã well organised and effectively used. “Talking About You(th)” gave a space to everybody to learn in many different ways. It brought together diverse group with different ideas and directions which made it richer. The activities took place in Natural Park Serra da Estrela where we got the opportunity to explore the surroundings, there was an exceptional final dinner prepared for us and the Portuguese team brought us closer to local culture during the Portugues night and during the whole time.

I definitely recommend to participate in future activities of this organization. Many thanks to every
single person in hosting organization and EYCB who gave us the opportunity to be part of it.

                                                                                                                                    Kristýna Liptáková

Presentation about the results from project can be seen here: 

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