Step into EU — Romania


Programme & action: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Aninoasa, Dambovita, Romania

Dates: 5—14 July 2021

Please read the info-pack & daily programme. 

Participating countries: Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Turkey

Hosting organisation: Be You Association

Czech participants: Alena Aichlmanová (GL), Adam Pešout, Klára Štěpánková, Ondřej Kos, Ondřej Zelina 

Project report:

Step into EU: young people´s views on European Union

Thanks to Romanian organisation BeYou, participants from 7 countries got a chance to meet and discuss a subject, that is usually not that common – the problematics of European Union. Participants from Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgary, Portugal, Italy, Turkey and Poland stayed for a week in Anionasa near Targoviste in order to share their views on various issues of EU and learn about euroscepticism.

This project has started with introduction of Erasmus and Youth pass, which enables young people from the whole European Union to study in various countries and get cultural experiences – something that definitely widen horizons. During the next days, we continued with sharing local realities, ie how general public in our countries think of European Union, and focused both on positive and negative points. Our findings helped us with the next issue – euroscepticism. Considering the fact, that people in various countries have more or less the same approach to euroscepticism, we were able to find strong points and arguments for discussion. Another important part of the programme was the recognition of fake news. We were introduced several methods how to recognise fake news and also how to be aware of how to work with news we spread. Activities focused on values of EU and unity in diversity led to awarness that each member country of EU is, not only in in wider context, equal and needed. 

During this week filled up with non-formal education and activities, we gained a lot of knowledge and new experiences about the European Union and cultural diversity. And last, but not least, we also had a chance to discover the region, the beautiful Romanian countryside and find new friends. 

Thanks to EYCB, BeYou and other partner organisations, a big group of young people are a step ahead!

                                                                                                                      Alena Aichlmanova

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