Womenity — Italy


Programme: Erasmus+ Youth, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Recoaro Terme, Italy (Hotel Trettenero)

Dates: 9—18 December 2021 

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Hungary, Estonia

Hosting organisation: Studio Progetto Societa Cooperative Sociale

Czech team: Barbora Doležalová

Booklet from the project:here

Project report:

The Womenity training course, set in the beautiful small town of Recoaro Terme in the mountains of the Veneto region of Italy, focused on gender equality and its elaboration in comics. We were introduced to many non-formal learning methods that can be applied to various topics. Womenity focused mainly on youth work.

The project involved 26 people from 12 countries of the European Union, lasted from 9. to 18. December 2021 and was organized by Studio Progetto Societa Cooperative Sociale. The first and last day were the days of arrival and departure, in the meantime we also had some free afternoons to relax or go on trips around the area.

The first evening was an intercultural night with tasting of traditional food and drink, the following days we worked together in the room of the large Hotel Trettenero, where we also had breakfast, lunch and dinner. During the week, I learned how to work in small and large groups, how to work with various creative programs on a computer, but also how to manage it without electronics, which is not always available to all of us. We also focused on gender stereotypes, our personal knowledge or the processing of advertisements in our countries of origin. The whole training course was more practical than theoretical training – but people who consider themselves less creative or proficient don’t have to worry about it personally either – several methods and approaches can be used to make your work easier. Or there is someone in the team who, for example, will take care of drawing for you.

Many thanks to the EYCB for organizing and mediating this project.

                                                                                                                          Barbora Doležalová

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