Virtual Tools for Real Mobilities — Romania


Programme: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Dates: 19—28 May 2022

Venue: Sarata Monteoru & Buzau, Romania

Please read the info-pack & daily programme

Please also read the wonderful project booklet, project catalogue and this project’s Facebook page


Účastnící se země: EE, SP, MK, CY, TR, CZ, LV, PL, GR, PT, IT, LT, BG, SRB, RO

Czech team: Veronika Barasová, Marek Coufal

Project report:

When we arrived at Bucharest airport with a second participant from Czech republic, we went to buy something to eat and we found some really delicious sausages. I would recommend them to anybody who will visit Romania. Then we had a well organized transfer from the airport to the Casa cu Tei, the hotel is a nearby small village almost in the forest.

From the second day we started with a project programme with activities to get to know each other, because one of the most important things at the project was learning about useful virtuál tools, which are known and used by other participants from different countries. 

Every morning we got an explanation from organizators about the methodology we should use that day for work in groups on our own new project using virtual tools. For example, we learned methods like six thinking hats, that we had to look at Digital Transition from a variety of perspectives and share ideas about our emotion and instinct. Another one was a fish market and it was about brainstorming future project ideas. We were presenting our project ideas in a Storytelling session, it was good for improving presentation skills.

Organizations were really helping us in every situation. Fortunately, it showed up in a moment when my partner from Czech team Veronika got very sick and they helped us to call an ambulance and they were all the time taking care of her health. They managed communication with doctors in a hospital and transport from hospital back to hotel and diet meals for her at the hotel restaurant. 

I’m really grateful for everything they did for us. Thank you Tolea, Fabi and Boghdan.

                                                                                                                                                           Marek Coufal


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