Program: Visegrad fund
Venue: Jerevan, Armenia
Dates: 17.—21. únor 2022
Participating countries: ČR, Arménie, Slovensko
Host organisation: “Youth for Change” Civil Society Development
Czech team: Lucie Dušková, Tomáš Černík
Project report:
At the beginning of February 2022, we went to Yerevan for a very interesting project “Youth Inclusion through Employability”. It was the culmination of a longer-term effort of the Armenian organization Youth for Change, which aims to improve the position of youth in the labor market. On February 18, the Grow Job Expo Vol. 4, which was attended by several exhibitors (ie companies and non-profit organizations with various job offers, internships or volunteers), and of course also young applicants from among students and recent high school and university graduates. Most of the program was conducted in Armenian. Thanks to a volunteer from a visiting organization who managed to translate into English, we participated in at least one workshop on finding a job and choosing a suitable career with career coach and HR professional Anush Manucharyan. Within the fair itself, we visited most of the stands and positively evaluated the possibilities of employment and the number of positions offered. The fair was also open to the general public.
Tomáš Černík