Careerland — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Family Motel, Mecidiye/Keşan/Edirne, Turkey

Dates: 27 October—6 November 2022

National team:Veronika Sandholzová (GL), Lukáš Rychetský, Pavel Hrdinka, Jan Hromek, Radovan Zelený, Martin Blažek

Please read the info-pack.

Hosting organisation: Worldest organisation

Project report:

As a member of Czech team I experienced very interesting time in Turkey (Mecidiye/Keşan). There were some team members that already visited couple of projects but most of us visited E+ youth exchange for the first time. We were accommodated in Family Motel nearby Aegean sea. Locals were very friendly. After few days we became good friends, especially with Yasin Cayoz. Hosting organization Worldest Derneğ created a great opportunity for people from: Turkey, Czech republic, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Pakistan and Romania.

We’ve shared our stories, cultures and business ideas during the project activities, trips or culture night events. After few days we became very close to each other and this place was good ground for personal and career development. For the trip, we visited Edirne city. Main objective here was to visit Trakya University nearby this city. We enjoyed visiting this place and exploring the corners of Edirne city.  

There were many project activities that developed our skills. For example small group based discussions or creative workshops. Many of the participants dealed with creating their first CV and more experienced members tried to improve their CV they’ve already created before. There was a simulation of interview and application for a job that we could succeed in future career. Some of activities helped us to consider using youthpass and Linked in profiles. After this training, we should be able to apply for a job, write a motivation letter, create a business plan and start our own business with defined goals.

For the soft skills, we practised english a lot because it was the only way to understand each other. Also training activities challenged us to develop our speaking skills and public speech abilities. The part developing our potential was supported by self-learning based activities, personality test and training opening our potential. Closing activity was to create our own business plan as a group. There were creative ideas that we discussed and I’m sure that we can use our “demo” business ideas in real career as a basic research.

Thanks to all the participants, facilitators and hosting organization, Oktay Yatkin (V. president of Worldest association) and Tolunay Unay (Project manager of Worldest association) especially.

Pavel Hrdinka

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