IMPROwise – Latvia


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange

Venue: Riga, Latvia

Dates: 24 September—1  October 2023

Czech team: 4 participants + 1 group leader 

Please read the info-pack. Please read about this amazing youth exchange in this Facebook post: (2) Evolving YOUth – From 24th of September till 1st of October we… | Facebook

and view the project gallery here: IMPROWISE – Evolving-YOUth


Hosting organisation: Evolving Youth

Project report:

Sveiki! That’s a greeting of the beautiful country of Latvia, that we (me and 4 other members of the Czech team) had the chance to visit, thanks to the Erasmus + Youth exchange called Improwise.

The exchange took place in the capital city- Riga, where we spend 8 wonderful days (from 24th of September till 1st of October) right next to the Ķīšezers lake, that we had the chance to swim in or just wander around. In this beautiful nature surrounding various people coming from various places all over the EU were getting to know each other. There were people from Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and our group from Czechia. All different, but connected. Connected by impro theatre.

Thanks to our facilitator Alice and her passion for impro theatre we were able to have a good time, connect with each other, fight our stage fears, learn to be more spontaneous and fall in love with impro theatre.

A group from each country had the opportunity to lead a workshop focused on a topic related to theatre. There were workshops on active listening, group synergy, emotions… So we tried to run a workshop and we also learned from each other.

Apart from these workshops we also had a 4 hours long workshop with professional impro theatre actress – Mairita Rosicka. She was preparing us for the finale of the whole project – our own impro show.

And truly on Friday (September 29th), in Tallinas Pagalms 40 youngsters (some of them without pre-project experiences in impro theatre) had their own impro show and mainly had fun!

To sum it up, thanks to this project we met new amazing people and their cultures, we got to know the beautiful city of Riga, we practised our English, we trained our leadership skills and found ourselves in impro theatre.

After this project, I can say without a doubt that theatre really has the power to connect people.

Klára M.

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