Collective Intelligence: Alone We Go Faster, Together We Go Further — France


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: La Chaudière, France

Dates: 22 November—3 December 2023

Czech team: 1 participant

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: La Rapugada

Project report:

 Welcome to France! Welcome to the world full of happy people, fun, friendship and honesty. It was my pleasure to travel to France (La Chaudière) on the 22th November. We were really excited about the project “Collective Intelligence: Alone We Go Faster, Together We Go Further” that ended on the 3st December. There were eighteen people from countryes: the Czech Republic, the Portugal, Holland, Hungary, Spain, Latvia and from the hosting country: France.

 I was curious and interested about exploring the potential of collective intelligence. Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our leaders – Lili, Nayna and Marylou we were able to create a wonderful team without any single mistake! During a lot ofju activities we opened to others but also to oneself, to dialogue, to difference and to the desire to be connected. We were dealing, for example with experimental learning and workshops how can we identify the power relations that exist in our group, how can we make decisions without leaving people behind, how do we wish to organize ourselves or how can we promote equal access to speech. Presentation of our results allowed us to practice English and move our level a little bit higher!

Moreover, we experienced quite a lot from France vital culture – movie, great France food, drinks and we had a lot of opportunities to explore the empty mountains Diois in foothills of Alpes Alp and city of Lyon.

Considering it all in all, this project had something special in itself. Everything was so calm, pretty and amazing, like somewhere in the dream. What is glorious is cooperation by putting collective inteligence at the service of our projects. It deserves a greater place in our societes and every individual can do something to make the situation better. During the project we encouraged authentic expression to generate pleasure and joy.  For all of us this was only the beginning. Now, when we are back home we can try to realize our ideas to become a force for individual, group and societal change. Everything is up to us!

To sum it up, if there is no EYCB as the great group allowing a lot of people to do amazing things EYCB would have to be invented! Thank a lot every single person allo wing these projects to happen! 

Martin Z.

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