You Can Dance Anywhere — Poland


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: youth exchange 

Venue: Wierzchosławice/Tarnów, Poland

Dates: 5—12 July 2024

Czech team: 10 participants + 1 group leader

Please read the info-pack. Please also watch the project video here:

Hosting organisation: Stowarzyszenie Heart

Project report:

At the beginning of July 2024, a delegation of eleven individuals from the Czech Republic traveled to the inland village of Wierzchoslawice in Poland to participate in the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange (YE) program, titled “You Can Dance Anywhere.” This event brought together young participants from five diverse cultural backgrounds – Poland, Italy, Slovakia, Portugal, and Lithuania – creating a united community bound by emotional connections, where each participant found their unique place and role. Our days were transformed into unforgettable experiences of singing, dancing, music, listening, self-discovery, reflection, laughter, and teamwork.

Our primary objective was to produce a musical centered on the theme of equality. Through the meticulous preparation by our facilitators and our collective ambition, we engaged in a series of workshops over six days, including reggaeton dance, Polish folklore, singing, and acting workshops. These activities culminated in a final performance of the musical, presented to the local children and community members.

In addition to the workshops, we had the opportunity to engage in paintball, which significantly strengthened our teamwork and collaboration skills. This activity not only fostered trust and solidarity among participants but also enhanced strategic thinking, communication, and leadership abilities. These skills are invaluable for personal development and can be applied in various professional and social contexts.

We also explored the surrounding areas, with the Czech team enthusiastically visiting the cities of Tarnow and Krakow. These excursions enriched our cultural understanding and broadened our perspectives. Exploring Tarnow and Krakow allowed us to immerse ourselves in the rich history and vibrant culture of Poland.

Throughout the project, we learned the importance of maintaining composure and involving everyone in areas where they could contribute, despite the limited time for a demanding task. The skills we acquired will serve us well in the future, enabling us to achieve new personal and professional milestones.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the nationalities involved, who brought us immense joy and unforgettable memories. Special thanks to our facilitators for the enriching moments of non-formal education and to EYCB for making this exceptional experience possible.

Nikol H.

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