Inclusive Social Inclusion Project for Individuals with Disabilities — Turkey


ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Dates: 3—12 November 2024

Venue: Bursa, Turkey

Czech team: 2 participants

Please read the info-pack

Hosting organisation: Küresel Girişimci Engelliler Derneği

Project report:

The program was a rich and engaging experience, blending fun with valuable learning opportunities. I gained insights into various cultures and had the chance to explore Turkey, a country that felt like an entirely new world to me. One of the highlights was interacting with inspiring individuals, including those with different handicaps, which was both enlightening and heartwarming.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the program, I did face some challenges, such as adapting to the local cuisine. However, the trips to Bursa were both fascinating and educational, making them a key highlight of my journey. Overall, the experience was deeply enriching and unforgettable.

Daniel K.

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