Hands on – Environmental Protection in Batumi – Georgia


Programme & action: Youth in Action programme, action 3.1.1. youth exchange

Venue: Kobuleti, Georgia

Dates: 3-13 July 2014

Participants: Katarína Novanská, Amálie Andršová, Kristýna Prachařová, Zdeněk Hájek, Martin Fišer (group leader)

Project report:

During the project in Georgia, 40 people from different countries have met in the small city Kobuleti on the Black sea coast. Those were participants from the Czech Republic, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Spain, Belgium and Germany.

During the first two days the program directed by really good and experienced leaders included some name-games and other team-building activities that helped us to get to know each other. Next days we started to come closer and closer to the main topic and the goal of the project – environmental situation in the region Adjara. We shared and compared our knowledge and information about environmental issues of our countries with other participants, we made a survey among the local people to get know how they perceive the recent ecological situation in their region, what are they personally doing to make it better and so on. The top of our program took a part in Batumi, the tourist destination on the Black sea coast near Kobuleti. We prepared eco-campaign for protection of endanger birds in Chorokhi delta, that is one of the most important location for migrating birds in the world. Our main goal was to inform the public about the threats of this place, because there are some proposals to build luxury hotels there, there are no punishments for poaching and so on. Our campaign can be considered as a successful one, because we obtained some responses from local people and even from local government (Ministry of environment). Actually, three of local TV channels prepared the report about our activity.

But this project was not just about a work, how it might look. Almost every day we were enjoying the beach, the Black sea, the sun and home made wine during our spare time and we had a great time together. Also we visited Mtirala national park, tourist city Batumi and our leaders prepared a great traditional dinner on “secret place” for us as well.J

The project gave us really a lot: We have learned something about non-formal learning, about environmental issues, campaigning, local culture and mentality of the people… And last but not least, we met lots of really lovely people and built new friendships. And that is, in my point of view, a sign of really successful project!


 Kristýna Prachařová

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