The Art of Visuals — Croatia


Termín konání: 14-19 October 2019

Místo konání: Rijeka, Croatia

Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training course

Venue: Rijeka, Croatia

Dates: 14-19 October 2019

Participants: Martin Zeman, Hynek Šimon, Bao Cam Khuc

Host organisation: Syncro – Synergy Croatia

Please read the info-pack 

Participating countries: Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic

Project report:

 ᵢHola! Welcome to sunny Croatia! Welcome to the world full of happy people, fun, friendship and honesty. It was my pleasure to travel to Croatia (Rijeka) with three other Czech people on the 15th October. We were really excited about the project “Art of visual” that ended on the 18st October. There were 28 people from the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Italy, Spain, Greece, Latvia and Croatia.

 Thanks to the perfect preparation and organization of our Croatian leaders – Dita, Alexander, Alexandra and Tommy from Syncro organization we were able to create a wonderful team without any single mistake! During a lot of activities we got to know each other better and better and thanks to many group works, we were able to cooperate quite easily.

We were dealing, for example with the grounds of drawing  – figure, spot, court case, speech,  textual matter, colours and effects, Japanese drawing teather creating own projects,  lessons about vizual prezentation or symbolism, creative symbols and logos, funny games based on art of visual such as formativ new society on the new planet.  Presentation of our results allowed us to practice English and move our level a little bit higher! Example of nonformal education was one day, in which we were splited up to groups and created vizual program for others participants. Moreover, we experienced quite a lot from Croatian vital culture – pebble beaches, great Croatian food, drinks and we had a lot of opportunities to explore rich cultural life in the city of Rijeka.

Considering it all in all, this project had something special in itself. Everything was so calm, pretty and amazing. Many participants were first time on the training course and praised, what sort of good group we are. What is glorious is the cooperation between nations, realizing that the arts is transnational. For all of us this was only the beginning. Now, when we are back home we can try t realize our own smaller or larger  projects.  We can start with creating a lot of beautiful things or we can use education as the most powerful weapon to change the world. Everything is up to us!

To sum it up, if there is no EYCB as the great group allowing a lot of people to do amazing things EYCB would have to be invented! Thank a lot every single person allowing these projects to happen!

Martin Zeman

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