Training of Trainers in Human Rights Education – Spain


Programme & action: ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: Training for Trainers

Venue: Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcía, Spain

Dates: 5 – 13 April 2016

Participants: Martin Kubiš, Jana Vaníčková

Please read the info-pack

Participating countries: Armenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia

Hosting organisation:  Asociacion Cultural Euroaccion Murcia

Project report:

I had the great opportunity to participate in the training for trainers in Human Rights Education in Caravaca de la Cruz in Spain. It was very enriching experience at many different levels! It was very demanding as we were working all days from the morning till late in the evening (with siesta time in the afternoon :). It was worth the effort, though! I have learnt many new approaches and techniques which are theatre-based and which can be used not only in HRE but also in any other topic in experienced-based education. Not only the content of the workshop, but also the team of facilitators and other participants have been a great source of inspiration for me! I learnt a lot how to facilitate a group process thanks to our great facilitators. I also enjoyed our group-works wery much. We prepared our own workshops for the rest of the group and got feedback from both the participants and our team of facilitators. It was very meaningful and helpful for both my personal and professional development.

I especially appreciate the level of proffesionality in leading and facilitating our learning process. I welcomed learning by experience with reflections and also involving our sense of physical body and emotions in the excercises. I felt very well all the time – stimulated by the varied program and different kinds of excercises and at the same time respected in my way of participating.

I have drawn a lot of inspiration and knowledge which I am looking forward to start implementing in my workshops that I do with students here in the CR in global development education. I hope I will get the chance to make up a new program that would be utterly focused on HRE.

Of course it was not only about the learning process. 🙂 We had a free Sunday afternoon and evening – we went by a bus to visit a small village at the seaside: Águilas. It was a good and deserved rest for us all, I think :). We had nice evenings when we could talk with others from the group, enjoy playing some nice games or even have intercultural evening! There were people from CR, Spain, Italy, Romania, Armenia, Greece and Croatia. It was interesting to get to know all and I thank everybody for that great time we spent together!

I can´t forget to refer to our great meals we were provided by the team of two fantastic Spanish cooks! It was delicious all the time. And the cooks were also vegetarian and vegan friendly! 🙂

To sum it up, I would totally recommend this training to everybody who is interested in HRE or any other field of education which is experience-based. It will provide you with many many new techniques and open new points of view of education and facilitation.

Finally, I want to thank every single person allowing these projects to happen! 

Jana Vaníčková

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