1+1 Is Equal? — Hungary


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Dates: 20—29 November2022 

Venue: Szeged, Hungary

Please read the info-pack.

National team: Martin Zeman, Sampras Femi Robert, Ondřej Stuchlík

Participating countries: Hungary, Lithuania, Spain, Turkey, Malta, Croatia, Italy

Hosting organisation: NGO Yopa

Project report:

Hi, my name is Andrew and I would like to share with you the feedback of our stay in Szeged, Hungary. We learned how to work with refugees and migrants. Stuck wondering the difference between a refugee and a migrant? Don’t worry, I had the same, but after this project I know that there is a difference between them, that they have different needs and reasons to leave their country. But at the end of the day everyone needs to feel welcome. And that’s exactly what we learned. How to help them with all the bureaucracy around them, how to help them with the language barrier, how to support them psychologically. These skills are really important to have, or at least to realize that there are people with this problem or need and we should help them because you never know when you might find yourself in the same situation. I have to thank our teachers Endre Kiss and Mara Árvai for our non-formal education and of course we cannot forget István Kovács, because he helped the organizers during the whole project. My other thanks go to everyone involved who helped me a lot to improve my English, overcome cultural barriers and change my perspective on some things because that’s what non-formal education is all about. Last but not least, I would like to thank EYCB for this opportunity and hope to work together again soon.

Ondřej Stuchlík

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