Programme & action: ERASMUS+: Youth, Key Action 1: training course
Dates: 7—17 May 2021
Venue: Varhovrah, Bulgaria
Please read the info-pack.
Hosting organisation: Mladejki centar za razvitie- Vzaimopomosht
Participating countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, The Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Portugal, Greece
Účastníci českého týmu: Petra Melicharová, Tvan Anh Tran
Project report:
Erasmus project 112 was really exciting and useful. Helped us us to understand the crisis situation, being always prepared and practising steps needed in an emergency.
It was a big relief to go to Bulgaria and finally meet some new faces, especially when we are still dealing with COVID-19.. We, participants from 8 countries, were learning new things and training every day for 10 days. We weren’t only exchanging our experiences, but we also had a lot of fun.
Our daily routine was having breakfast together. Some countries prepared Energizers and then we had activities prepared till lunch. During a break some of us were taking naps, more energetic ones played outside or went for a walk. After the break we mostly practised outside for example we practised executing emergency plans during chemical explosions. Finally the dinner and tasting foods and drinks from other countries. And for a good ending of the day, PARTY.
Speaking about the project. We learned about emergency plans in our countries, how each country and Europe deal with emergency situations like COVID-19, chemical and nuclear catastrophe, natural disasters, imigration crisis and so on. Furthermore we practise how to learn, do first-aid, meditation, handle stress situations and last but not least passing our know-hows.
Everybody had a great time and created beautiful memories. Bulgaria is a very nice place and our trainers did a fantastic job. Great project, great people, great place, only one thing I want to add. More days.
Tran Tvan Anh a.k.a Kamil