“Let’s Promote #Solid@rity!” — an online project



Programme: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland

Venue: online

Dates: 8—10 September 2020

Participants: 20

Hosting organisation: European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation

Participating countries: Poland, Lithuania, Georgia, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, the Czech Republic

Please read the invitation for the Project and visit the Project’s website: http://www.forum-leaders.eu/2020/en-solidarnosc.php and also Forum’s website: www.forum-leaders.eu

Project description:

We would like to kindly invite you to take part in the project named “Let’s Promote #Solid@rity!” (please read the invitation here). The main goal of the project is to remind young people of the events related to the establishment of Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity”. This year we celebrate the 40th anniversary of signing of the Gdańsk Agreement (also known as the August Agreements) and the role of Poland in the fall of communism.

Regarding the current situation connected with the pandemics, this year the project is going to be implemented in the virtual reality. Such a change was introduced in order to guarantee safety to all participants and the possibility to participate in the project that is also the part of the biggest international event dedicated to the youth – the 15th Economic Forum of Young Leaders. 15th Economic Forum of Young Leaders – Online, which will be held on 8-10 September 2020. This year’s situation forced us to take unusual steps, thanks to technology we can transform the 15th Economic Forum of Young Leaders to Online form and meet you in virtual reality. Be with us during this special event! We build this year’s Forum program around the thesis “Solidarity of Young Leader – Future Skill“.

Within this project participants are going to take part in online workshops about international cooperation, e.g. how the international cooperation should be strengthen, and overwhelming fake news, e.g. how to distinguish fake news from the real information.

This year, participants will have an amazing opportunity to participate in:

✔ practical online workshops,

✔ interesting online discussion panels and debates,

✔ online meetings with representatives of government, local government, business and science,

✔ virtual walks around the largest companies in Poland,

✔ online intercultural evening with joint gamification,

✔ participants will learn more about the history of the founding of Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity”, and they will have also the possibility to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its establishment with us.

All the necessary information can be found on the Forum’s website: www.forum-leaders.eu and on the event’s fanpage: www.facebook.com/young.leaders.forum. You can register here: https://nowystaw.typeform.com/to/n4DWVqFz. The recruitment will end soon, so please register as soon as possible. Do not miss the opportunity, register today at the Project “Let’s Promote #Solid@rity!” that is a part of the 15th Economic Forum of Young Leaders and join the largest online event for young people in this part of Europe!    

Daily schedule:

  • Day 1 – 8th September
    • 10:00-10:45 the Opening Session
    • 11:00-13:00 Workshops
    • 13:15-14:30 Panel discussion: The Reality after the Pandemic – what Kind of Europe do the Young Generation Need?
    • 14:45-15:00 Virtual study visit in Polish biggest companies
    • 15:00-15:30 Special Gest’s speech
  • Day 2 – 9th September
    • 10:15-11:30 Panel discussion: Digital Evolution or Revolution?
    • 11:45-12:00 The presentation of Independent Self-governing Trade Union “Solidarity”
    • 12:10-13:30 Panel discussion: Young Europeans: Together towards Freedom and Solidarity
    • 13:45-15:00 Panel discussion: What Heroes does the World Need? 
      • 20:00-22:00 Multicultural evening
  • Day 3 – 10th September
    • 9:00-10:30 Plenary Session of 30th Economic Forum
    • 10:30-11:00 Interviews with Special Guests
    • 11:00-12:00 Panel discussion: What is the Future of Science and Education?


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