Alternative Thinking – France


Programme & action: ERASMUS+ programme, KA1

Dates: 25 September – 5 October 2014

Venue: Bédeille, France

Participants: Michala Chadimová, Petr Hlubina, Barbora Šumšalová

Project report:

I had an amazing opportunity to participate in a project which was called Alternative Thinking and spent 10 great days in a small village Bédeille in southern France. This village is about 2 hours from Toulouse and it is situated in a beautiful nature of French Pyrenees (we could also borrow bikes and went for a little trip into the mountains).
We were accommodated in a old cottage, some of us were even sleeping outside in a jurt. Despite the fact the cottage is very old (they´re renovating it now) everything was tidy and really comfortable.
Our czech team (which was composed of me, Barča and Petr) was accompanied by teams from different countries like Poland, Romania, Italy or Slovenia. We were perfect group together – which was supported by organization of daily task as cleaning and cooking when we were everything doing together in groups.
Every day we had something new to do or discuss. We could try “clown activity” and to learn how to express emotions or we were discussing non-violence topics like non-violence conversation. We also prepared a project about citizenship and were discussing a citizen’s problem and issues in our countries which was really interesting. These daily activities were followed by intercultural nights – each team prepared typicall national meal and presented theirs country by a presentation… the creativity of each group was suprising. Most of the time our discussion raised during intercultural nights were ending in the morning.  

Basically – every minut of this project we had a great time. And the thanks should be mainly dedicated to Adele, Joe and Julie – the organizators from SOLAfrika! They made a feeling of family and they were there for us anytime. With them we also visited a music festival in Oust or typicall french market in St. Girons. Thank you! 🙂 

Michala Chadimová

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