
ERASMUS+, Key action 1: training course

Venue: Timisoara, Romania

Dates: 12—18 September 2023

Czech team: 1 participant

Please read the info-pack. 

Hosting organisation: LINK

Project report:

The Erasmus+ project titled “Artizienship3 focuesd  on Physical Theatre, Body Work, and Relaxation” was a collaborative effort among 22 participants.This project aimed to explore the intersections of physical theatre, body work, and relaxation techniques while fostering a sense of artizienship among participants.

The main idea of project was to push participants to explore and express themselves through physical theatre, body work, and relaxation techniques.

The trainiers supported us to think about citizienship in our countries and use newfound skills for the betterment of our communities.

Throughout the project, a series of workshops and training sessions were conducted. These sessions covered various aspects of physical theatre, body work, and relaxation techniques. Trainer and facilitatorshared their expertise, enabling use to acquire new skills and knowledge. These sessions helped our group to develop a deeper appreciation for the performing arts and our own bodies.

To promote the concept of artizienship, we engaged with the local community. We organized public workshops, and events that showcased our newly acquired skills. These activities not only benefited the community by providing access to art and culture but also empowered use to use our talents for social and community development.

I reported increased self-confidence, improved physical and mental well-being, and a deeper connection to artistic me.

Marie K.

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