Better Together – Spain


ERASMUS+, Key Action 1: training course

Venue: Puente Genil, Cordoba, Spain

Dates: 24—31 October 2023

Czech team: 2 participants

Please read the. Please check out also the amazing project Fb page here:

Participating countries: Albania, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Turkey, Spain

Hosting organisation: Asociación Europa 2020

Project report:

This training course was open for youth workers, educators, teachers, facilitators and youth leaders and was focusing mainly on three key fields: 
 * The facilitations of European and international youth work projects 
* Leadership skills  
* Organisational management skills 
During this time we had a lot of fun, we participated in interesting workshops, we were learning through informal education, exploring Spanish life and culture, and meeting many people from different parts of Europe. We started off the project by getting to know each other and the town of Puente Genil. As we got to know each other more and better during these days, our cooperation and team work grew as well. We participated in many interesting discussions on topics as “what is important for youth work”, “how is the life perception of others different from ours”, “what is essential to create successful project” and “why we all love Spain so much”! We also all had the chance to be creative while inventing characters that represented possible Erasmus+ participant profiles, and about which we then performed a play. Our final activity – creating interactive outputs, videos and memes, in a very short period of time – proved how close-knit a team we are and that we will not shy away from any challenge. We also learnt about the culture, traditions, traditional food and drinks and traditional dances of participants from the other countries during our intercultural night.  
Not only did we have every day packed with workshops and activities, but we also got to experience the true Spanish culture and all the trimmings! We went on a really cool trip to nearby Cordoba, where we visited famous mosque-cathedral of Cordoba, where the cultures are mixing together, we also had proper Spanish dinner with selected traditional meals and drinks, and we experienced what Spanish siesta really means! 
Our course organisers, Juanje and Javi, along with the whole crew, did really great job to make this intense course nice experience, with a great atmosphere and safe space. Thanks to them everything went smoothly and we all could gain a lot of knowledge and inspiration which we can now use in our projects and activities. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to participate in this unforgettable project.

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