Breaking the Communication Barriers – Croatia


Programme & action: Youth in Action programme, action 1.1. youth exchange

Venue: Zagreb, Croatia

Dates: 11-18 September 2014

Participants: Veronika Kůsová (group leader), Daniel Hron, Michaela Mačáková, Jan Cimpel

Project report:

The project Breaking the Communication Boundaries took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 11th to 18th September 2014. Its main goal was to bring participants from different countries (namely Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland and Spain) closer together and help them learn how to effectively communicate and transfer the meaning of their messages to the listener.

Activities included watching a debate (kindly organized for us by senior members of Croatian and Slovenian debate societies), debating ourselves on a given topic, participating in a workshop on assertiveness, lots of creative work and also getting to know the host country’s society better. Nonetheless, we were provided with many opportunities to socialize informally, e.g. during cultural evenings of all the participating countries.

One of the last days, we had a “day off” to enjoy a bit of Croatia and we went for a hike to Medvedgrad, a picturesque ruined castle close to Zagreb.

Considering technical details; accommodation was provided by a Youth Hostel Zagreb (6-bed rooms for participants and double rooms for team leaders), food by a small local restaurant Pivnica Tomislav and the activities took place either in the Croatian Debate Society’s venue or in rented rooms approximately 1 kilometer from the hostel.

The project was organized by a first-time project manager Venita Mužek from a Croatian Debate Society and she did a great job meeting all our needs and wishes, well over the range of her obligations as an organizer of the project.

To summarize, I believe most of the project’s participants have taken home only good memories they will gladly recall in future.

 Veronika Kůsová

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